34 Group
Aberthau Potters Club (ref Rona Hatherall)
The Academy of Useful Arts
Ad Hoc Committee of British Columbia Artists (c1977)
(per VAG letter re Committee's comments on From This Point of View exhibition)
Advisory Board Of Fine Arts
Alberni Valley Art Group
(ref George Clutesi)
Alberta College of Art (ACA)
Alberta Society of Artists
Alcuin Society
(Vancouver, ref Amphora)
Alexander Harrison Galleries
About the gallery
Alexandra Neighbourhood House
VAG exh May 1941 "children's drawings"
Allied Arts War Service Council
(ref BC At Work)
Alpine Club of Canada
(ref VAG exhibition 1950)
Amputation Club of British Columbia
The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 Christmas 1918
The Gold Stripe - Vol. 2 May 1919
A.O.T.S. Polytechnic School (ref Paul Rand 1937-38)
(As One That Serves); 138 E. Cordova St.
Arbutus Crafts Association (Victoria, ref IDTC68)
Architectural Institute of British Columbia:
About the Institute
1928 list of members
Art Association of Montreal
About the association
Spring Exhibitions 1880 - 1970
Art Directors Guild of Vancouver (ref W.J.B. Mayrs, Paul Rand)
Art Emporium
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
About the gallery
Art, Historical, and Scientific Association of Vancouver
Art In Living group
Artisans' Studio, Nanaimo (ref Dorothy Ross)
Artists Corner Radio Programme (Victoria 1936, ref A.H. Parker)
Artist's Guild of Burns Lake (ref Gerda Volz)
Artists in our Midst
(Vancouver, ref AIOM99,
Art Students Club of Vancouver (1927)
(ref Frances Gatewood, Adelaide Langford)
Arts & Letters Club (Vancouver)
Arts Club of Victoria
Arts Council of Nanaimo
Arts in Action Society
(ref Work in Progress)
Art Works Gallery (Vancouver)
About the gallery
Assembly of B.C. Arts Councils
(ref BCFA93 et al)
A.T. Eight Artropolis Society
(Vancouver, ref ART90,
ART93, ART01,
Atelier Sketch Club (1939 - 1949?)
List of members 1940-48
AVA (Avenue for/des Arts)
(Vancouver, see post-1950 for 12 exhibitions)
B.C. Amateur Photographic Society (ref 1917 Directory, in bsmt Orpheum building)
B.C. Art Gallery (939 Granville St., re BCAL)
B.C. Artists (BCA)
B.C. Artists Series (postcards 1944)
B.C. Art League (BCAL) (1920 - )
About the society
1925 list of members
B.C. Art League - Summerland Branch
B.C. Art Teachers Association (journal Perception, Alfred S. Colton)
B.C. Central Credit Union (BC artists exhibition 1979 June 11 - July 11)
B.C. College of Arts, Ltd. (1933 - 1935)
B.C. Festival of the Arts (1982 - 2002)
B.C. Francophone Cultural & Artistic Council
(ref PREVIEW Sept-Oct 2021)
B.C. Gallery of Arts (see Gallery of BC Arts)
B.C. Graphic (VAG annual exh. 1949 - 1959 at least)
B.C. Handcraft Centre (ref IDTC68)
B.C. Industrial Design Committee (Fred Amess, per CC2 p8)
B.C. Interior Artists (VAG exhibition 1947)
B.C. Manufacturer's exhibition rooms (corner Cordova & Cambie)
(ref 1921 article, Yoshida exhibition)
B.C. Mountaineering Club (VAG photo shows 1934, 1939)
B.C. Pictorialists Society
B.C. Potters Guild (see Potters Guild of B.C.)
B.C. Sculptors Society (see Sculptor's Society of B.C.)
B.C. Society of Architects (ref Andrew Dewar 1912)
B.C. Society of Artists (see B.C. Society of Fine Arts)
B.C. Society of Fine Arts (BCSFA, also BCSA)
About the society
BCSFA Exhibitors Timeline
BCSFA Exhibitors Index
B.C. Society of Tapestry Artists (ref BCSTA00)
B.C. Teachers' Federation
(ref Ira Dilworth)
(ref 1963 competition, 2nd page)
The B.C. Teacher (ref A British Columbian School of Art)
B.C. Waterfowl Society (ref Hugh Monahan)
B.C. Weaver's Guild
Banff School of Art
(ref Conrad Ffrench,
W.J. Phillips, Janet Middleton)
Basic Inquiry Studio Vancouver (ref Keith Shields)
Beatrice Lennie School of Sculpture
Britannia Art Gallery (ref BRIT06, BRIT13)
Britannia Beach Group (teacher R.S. Alexander)
British American School of Art
548 Main St. per 1915 City Directory for Schools & Colleges
Run by Samuel Morris (res 1218 Harris) and Albert Doan (res Howard Hotel)
Burnaby Art Gallery
Burnaby Art Society (1959-?)(J.N. Hardman 1st Pres. 59-60)
Burnaby Photographic Society (Jack Surridge fndg. mbr.)
Burrard Field Naturalists Club (ref R.S. Sherman)
Bursill Gallery, New Westminster (host 1928 8th Ann. Salon for
Prov. Exh.)
Calgary Allied Arts Council
Calgary Sketch Club
Camera Art Club of Vancouver
Canadian Art Association (ref Lucius R. O'Brien President, 1889)
Canadian Art Guild
Canadian Art Teachers' Society (ref Eric Loewe)
Canadian Arthritis & Rheumatism Society (CARS)
CARSCRAFT cards for W.P. Weston,
Maisie Robertson
CARSCRAFT Bluebird Shop, Vancouver (ref IDTC68)
Canadian Arts Council (Province April 26, 1946)
Canadian Association of Photographic Arts (ref Ted Phillips)
Canadian Club (ref R.M. Fripp)
Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs
(Ione MacDonald)
Canadian Folk Society (Vancouver Branch)(c1950-51)
Canadian Group of Painters
Canadian Guild of Potters (ref Marian McCrea,
Donald Flather)

Canadian Handicraft Guild of B.C.
Canadian Institute of Associated Arts
Canadian Institute of Portrait Artists (ref Kirk Sauer)
Canadian National Exhibition (Toronto ON)
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (ref IDTC68)
Canadian Red Cross, Arts & Crafts Division (ref IDTC68)
Canadian Society of Graphic Artists (misc VAG exh.)(Goranson member)
Canadian Society of Marine Artists
Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour
Canadian Society of Painters - Etchers (VAG exhibition)
Canadian Womens Club
Capilano College (also University, ref CC03)
2013 BC member list
Cariboo Art Society (FCA)(see also FOW13)
Cartoonists Club (4-1010 Langley, Victoria, per 1912 City Directory)
Central Fraser Valley Graphics Guild (ref Riley Charters)
Central Visual Artists Association (ref CVAA98)
Cityscape Commmunity Artspace (N Van, ref CCA20)
Clay Works Society (ref Douglas Taylor)
Coast Art Trust (ref AGE09)
Coast Group
Cobble Hill Community (FCA)
College Art(s) Association (VAG exh. 1932 - 1935)
Columbia Institute
Columbia Valley Arts Council (Invermere, ref Deanna Gauthier)
Commercial Art Studio (342 W. Pender Street 1925)
(E.A. King & Robert G. Davidson)
Committee For Cultural Endeavour (FCA Grand Forks)
Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria (ref CACGV88,
Community Arts Council of Vancouver (Ross Lort Founding Board Member)
Comox Arts Council
Comox District Art Group
Comrades in Art (women's art group, ref BC Lib. Quarterly 1968)
Contemporary Art Gallery (Vancouver)(ref GVAG20 for exhibitions)
Courtenay and Comox Art Group (ref 1933 letter)
Cowichan Women's Canadian Club (FCA trav.exh.)
Craft Centre Studio, 575 Dunsmuir St.
(per 1936 Smock Pocket Gatewood &
Crafts Association of BC (ref CABC83,
CABC98, Brigitte Rice)
Craftsmens' Association of BC (see Crafts Association of B.C.)
Creative Jewellers' Guild, Vancouver (ref IDTC68)
Creston Arts Guild (FCA)
Crofton Art Group
Crofton House School
Cultural Network of the Rockies (ref Tony Austin)
Darkroom Group (Abbotsford, ref Bob St-Cyr)
David Hall Sign Company
(emp. G.K. Thorne, R.S. Alexander)
David Spencer Ltd.
(ref Maud Sherman,
Gertrude Lawson)
(see also art stores)
Deco Art Studio, Victoria
(ref Kitto, Donogh,
Decorative Art Store (ref Misses Miller, DIR 1888)
Deer Lake Printmakers Society (ref Joyce Patterson 1971, James Adams 3BC 1973)
Delta Sketch Club (ref John Osborne, Frances Prior 1968)
Design For Living Group (see Art In Living group)
Design Through Living Group (see Art In Living group)
Dundarave Print Workshop & Gallery (Vancouver)
East Kootenay Arts & Crafts Association (FCA Cranbrook)
Eastside Culture Crawl (Vancouver, ref ECC99, ECC00,
ECC01, ECC05,
ECC07, ECC11)
Emily Carr College of Art & Design (see VSDAA)
Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design (see VSDAA)
Emily Carr University of Art & Design (see VSDAA)
English Bay Sketch Club (founded 1953, fndg mem Amelia Ohlsson Carr)
Ernest MacMillan Fine Arts Club
Esquimalt Group (ref J.M. Donald, A.M.D. Fairbairn,
Helen Streatfield)
Ex-Changes Art Collective, Victoria (ref Terrence Burnett 2000)
Fairbanks Calligraphy Society, Victoria (ref Sylvia Skelton)
F.C. Smith Litho, Vancouver (emp T.C. Bailie)
Federation of B.C. Naturalists (ref Hugh Monahan)
Federation of Canadian Artists
Art Avenue
Federation of Canadian Woodcarvers (per A.S. Derman, Kaj Nielsen)
Flying Seven (per Rosalie Moore)
Folk Craft Shop (Vancouver, active 1946)
Fort Nelson Potters Guild (ref Ramona Nehring-Myram)
Foster King Art Studio (DIR 1945)
Fraser Valley Art Group
(FCA, also Richard Obergfell, Gladys
Lindemere, Albert Sexton, M. Harvey)
Fraser Valley Potters Guild (ref Charles Partington 1961, Shona Rae 2001,
Fraternity of Sign Painters (c. 1921)
Galiano Painters Guild (ref Elisabeth M. Hopkins, Ann E. Steward 1973)
Gallery of B.C. Arts (ref Edith Clark, Bernd Rohne, John Rankin)
Gallery of the Golden Key (ref Izzard c1965)
Galloway-Dorbils Gallery/Bookstore (942 Granville, re 1944 Salon de refuses)
German Canadian Art Society (ref Eric Loewe)
Girvan Studios (DIR 1945 Vancouver)
Glasgow School of Arts (Scott, Melvin,
J.W.G. Macdonald)
Glenbow Alberta Institute (20,000+ Western Canadian Paintings etc)
Gordon House Community Centre
(ref Alexandra Hospital 7th Ave. / Orphanage, / Neighbourhood House)
(arts & crafts window display at Spencer's 1945)
Gordon House Community Centre Puppeteers Club (ref B. Lennie)
(7 performances of Punch & Judy at Spencer's 1945)
Greater Vancouver Health League (org 1940 child poster show at VAG)
Ground Zero Printmakers Society (Victoria, co-fndr Eric J.M. Nash)
Group, The (6 Powell River painters, ref 3BC)
mem J. Adams, R.J. Lambert, R.F.M. McInnes
Group of Seven
Group Two (ref West Van Sketch Club)
Guild of Weavers (ref VFSD37)
H. Faulkner Smith Academy of Art
About the School
Students successfully placed as artists (c1936)
Examination results & scholarship awards (1941)
Examination results & scholarship awards (1946)
Handcraft House (see Northwest Handcraft House Ltd.)
Hardiman's Pioneer Gallery (see art & framing stores)
Hastings Exhibition
Hotel Vancouver
Hudson's Bay Records Society (ref Dora Geneva Lent)
Infinity Studio (Vancouver, ref 3BC)
mem Lulu Du Ulul, Yoshi Yoshihara, John Sowers, Byron Black
Intermedia (ref Joseph Kyle, Ed Varney)
Island Arts & Crafts Society
About the society
List of exhibitors 1909 - 1941
IACS 5th Annual Exhibition (1914)
Island Illustrators Society
The Island Illustrators 25th Anniversary
Italian Consulate
Italian Cultural Centre Museum (Il Museo)
James Leyland Gallery
J.G. Fraser Ltd.
Junior League of Vancouver
Kamloops Art Gallery (KaAG)
Kamloops Arts & Crafts (FCA)
Kelowna Art Centre (ref Zeljko Kujundzic 1964-68 q.v.)
Kelowna Art Exhibit Society
Kelowna Art Gallery
Kelowna District Art Group (FCA)
Kerrisdale Sketch Club (ref Pat Robertson Pres. 1981)
Kimberley Arts Council/Centre 64 (ref Tony Austin)
Kimberley Group of Five (ref Tony Austin)
Kimberley Sketch Club (ref FCA, Phyllis Randall)
Kootenay Blacksmith Association (ref Tony Austin)
Kootenay School of Art (KSA) (founder Zeljko Kujundzic 1960 q.v.)
Labour Arts Guild
Ladies' Art Club of Nanaimo
(c1895 per Harper re Rene Quentin)
Ladies' Art Club of Vancouver
(per 1906 reference to ME Carr in MacDonald)
Langley Arts Council
(ref Thomas Partington 1964, Mary Ray 1970s)
Limners (Victoria)
A Passion for Art
1972, 1975,
1978, 1986
Local Council of Women
Malaspina Printmakers Society (Vancouver)
Maple Street Studio (ref Lisi Siegel)
Mary Gordon's Studio of Art (DIR 1945)
Melmoth Vancouver Group (c1980)(ref West Coast Surrealists)
(see Soluble H2O)
Monashee Arts Council (ref Joyce Dessert)
Monday Art Study Club (P.H. Boving Hon.Sec.)
Mrs. Webster's Art Bazaar (217 Hastings St. 1889)
Mrs. Webster's Art School
Nanaimo Pottery Co-op (ref PGBC23)
National Gallery of Canada
Nelson Art Club (FCA)

New Design Gallery (Elizabeth B. Marshall Gallery Director 1963)
(see also Greater Vancouver Art Galleries)
New Westminster Exhibition (Provincial Exhibition)
New Westminster Photographers Association (per Harry Bullen)
North Shore Artists' Guild (ref Allyson MacBean)
North Vancouver Art Club
North-West Artists (ref NWA)
Northwest Coast Institute of the Arts (Victoria)
Northwest Handcraft House Ltd. (also Handcraft House)
110 W Esplanade N Vancouver
"craft outlet, supply centre, and Craft School"
North-West Institute of Sculpture (Oregon/Wash/BC)
(ref Lilias Farley, Marvin Levitt Pres 1958-59,
North-West Printmakers (Peter Sager)
N.W. Screencraft Enterprises Ltd. (ref Larry Rosso)
Oak Bay Art Club (FCA)
(ref Muriel Barnes, Hyslop Ingham, Victor Lotto)
Oceanside Coalition for Strong Communities
(ref OCSC06, OCSC07,
Okanagan Artists League
(per Joyce Dessert, Susan Gibson,
Celestine Herry, Thomas Steiner)
Okanagan Contemporary Artists (per LeRoy Jensen)
Okanagan Potters Association
2019 list of members
Okanagan Pottery Studio (Peachland 1968 - 2007, per Des Loan)
Old Schoolhouse Arts Centre (Qualicum Beach, ref OSAC15)
Osborne Pottery Studio (per studio label)
Pacific Coast Photographers Association (per Harry Bullen)
Pacific National Exhibition (PNE)
Pacific North West Academy of Arts, Vancouver Unit
Paddock (The) (ref advert CDN Art 1959 V15 #2 p145)
founded 1955 by Evelyn Cools Middleton
"Summer School of Fine Arts & Resort, Okanagan Centre.
Weaving, pottery, painting, stage-craft, music, creative writing"
Palette & Chisel Club
Parakontas (Studios)
Pendulum Group
Penticton Art Club (1946 exh at VAG; ref Carrie Lowle)
Penticton Potters Guild (ref Jay Cryderman, Barry Ryan,
Mary Usuliak, Walter Dexter)
Peter Aspell School of Art
Photographer's Association of Pacific Northwest
Pioneer Art Students of Vancouver Art School (PASOVAS)
Point Grey Potter's Club (ref Olga Turok)
Point Group (Victoria, per Molly Privett, Bill West, Robert de Castro)
Port Kells Art Group (ref Richard Obergfell)
Potters Guild of BC (bcpotters.com)
2023 list of members
(ref PGBC80, Ceramics '81, Ceramics '82,
Olea Davis, Rona Hatherall, Kate Metten)
Potters Six (ref Kathleen Schoenau)
Powell River Camera Club (VAG exhibition Oct. 1940)
Prince Rupert Art Club
Provincial Arts and Industrial Institute
(merged with IACS 1928 per Crease p.28)
Provincial Exhibition (New Westminster)
Provincial Normal School (Vancouver)
About the school
Provincial Normal School Sketch Club
Pylon Architectural Club of Vancouver (ref R.M. Fripp)
Queen Elizabeth Theatre/Plaza (Vancouver, ref FCA67)
Richmond Art Gallery (ref RAG03,
RAG05, RAG06)
Richmond Artists Guild (ref Frances Prior 1968, FCA12)
Robson Square Media Centre
(BC Artists at the Square, Jan. 9 - 20 1984, see also GVAG20)
Rossland Fine Arts Group (FCA)
Royal Agricultural and Industrial Society of B.C.
(see Provincial Exhibition)
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (ref Ross Lort)
Royal British Society of Colonial Artists (ref T. Mower Martin)
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
Salt Spring Island Group
Savary Island Heritage Society
Savary Island Park Association (1910-?, ref R.S. Sherman)
School of Creative Art
(per Printmaking in BC, Bruce Inverarity Director 1931-33)
School of Handicrafts (Victoria)
(ref Miss M.C. Kemp/IACS, and 1914 IACS)
Sculptor's Society of BC (SSBC)
(see post-1950 for 8 exhibitions)
Sculpture Society of Canada (SSC)
(ref B. Lennie, Aage Madsen,
Linda Schmidt)(exh VAG 1937-)
Seattle Art Museum Northwest Artist Annual Exhibitions 1914 - 1975
ref NWA BC artists by exhibition
ref NWAA BC artists alphabetically
Self-Help Group (ref VFSD37)
Selkirk Weavers and Spinners Guild (ref Darlene McDowell)
Seymour Gallery (Deep Cove, ref SEY90, SEY05)
Shawnigan Artists' Group (charter member Tineke Van Der Voort 1989)
Simon Fraser University (ref GVAG20 for galleries & exhibitions)
Sir Ernest Macmillan Fine Art Club (per 1945 Grigsby file at VAG)
Society of Canadian Artists
Society of Miniaturists (Charles Stansfeld Jones)
South Delta Artists' Guild (ref Irene Neff, Ruth Sawatzky)
"South Kensington" College of Art (Royal College of Art, London)
South Peace Art Society (ref Inez Demuynck, Elizabeth Mundy)
South Vancouver Island Potters Guild (ref PGBC23)
Spencer Perceval Judge School of Art
Spencer's Department Store (David Spencer Ltd.)
(ref E.J. Cherry,
Maud Sherman)
Stave Falls Artist Group (ref SFAG13)
Studio Club
Surrey Art Gallery (ref SAG79, SAG84,
SAG89, SAG97,
SAG98, SAG00)
Tauber's Puppet Players
Thompson Valley Potters Guild
2019 list of members
Thunderhead Art Factory, Roberts Creek (ref King Anderson, 3BC 1974)
Trail Art Club/Group (FCA)
(also Trail Daily Times article)
(ref Mrs. Mazzocchi, Margaret Weir)
University Arts Association of Canada (ref James Adams 3BC 1973)
University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia Alma Mater Society
University of British Columbia Art Club
(ref Ubyssey Feb'36 Fisher/Goranson/Hughes)
University of British Columbia Art & Cultural Centre
Vagabonds Club (1915-c1928)(co-founded J.F. Bursill)
Vancouver & New Westminster Photographer's Association (ref Harry Bullen)
Vancouver Art Association
Vancouver Art Gallery (1922-23, ref artstores,
framing label)
Vancouver Art Gallery
About the gallery
B.C. Artists Exhibitions
Vancouver Art Gallery Ladies Auxilliary
Vancouver Art Gallery Saturday Morning Classes
Vancouver Art Guild (ref VaAG18)
Vancouver Artists League (1984-?)
(ref FEAR OF OTHERS, 1988)
Vancouver Arts & Crafts Association
About the society
Vancouver Arts & Letters Club
Vancouver Association for Non-commercial Culture (ref VANC88,
Vancouver Auxiliary Police (re 1942 Shadbolt exhibition)
Vancouver Businessmen's Art Club
Vancouver Camera Club (VAG exhibition 1938)
Vancouver Centennial Museum
Vancouver City (re support of arts in schools & public, Public Art Committee)
Vancouver City Archives
Vancouver City Beautiful Association (ref R.M. Fripp)
Vancouver Clayworks Society (c1971- )
Vancouver Community Arts Council
(Fndg.Pres. 1945 Ira Dilworth)
Vancouver Community College (drafting, design, industrial arts)
Vancouver East Cultural Centre (VECC)
Vancouver Exhibition (ref PNE)
Vancouver Folk-Craft Festival (C.S. Jones 1936)
Vancouver Guild of Fabric Arts
(ref Marie McGill 1974, Jennifer Holdham 1983)
Vancouver Guild of Puppetry
(ref Puppets Vancouver c1971, Van. Centennial Biblio. #6646)
Vancouver Historical Society (ref Walter Noble Sage, Michael Kluckner)
Vancouver Institute
Vancouver Island Sculptor's Guild (ref Frances Powell Moore)
Vancouver Junior Art Club
Vancouver Life Drawing Society (founded 1983, ref BI23)
Vancouver Little Theatre Association (ref Ross Lort)
Vancouver Metal Arts Association (ref ICCM21)
Vancouver Museum (see also Centennial Museum)
Vancouver Natural History Society
Vancouver Oldtimers Club
Vancouver Photographic Society
Vancouver Pioneers Club
Vancouver Poetry Society (ref A.N. St. John Mildmay,
Annie Dalton)
Vancouver Public Art Commission
Vancouver Public Library
Vancouver School Board
Vancouver School of Art (VSA)
Vancouver School of Art Graduate's Association
Vancouver School of Art (VSA) Saturday Morning Classes
Vancouver School of Decorative & Applied Arts (VSDAA) (1925)
About the School
List of students & graduates 1925-1950
The Savary Pudding (1935 & 1939)
The Beaux Arts Balls
Vancouver School of Decorative & Applied Arts Art Student's Club
Vancouver School of Display (ref Frank Vase, instructor, 1945)
Vancouver Sculptor's Association
Vancouver Sketch Club
About the club
Vancouver Studio Club and School of Art
Vancouver Surrealist Groups (Melmoth Vancouver Group, Soluble H2O)
Vancouver Technical School
Vancouver Technical School Camera Club
Vancouver Technical School Lino Block Club
Vancouver Trades and Labour Council (affil. member of BCAL)
Vancouver Vocational Institute (drafting, design, industrial arts)
Vancouver Vocational Training School (81 Robson St.)(VAG exh.)
Vanderpant Galleries (1216 Robson St., Vancouver, ref
John Vanderpant)
Vernon Art Group
(ref FCA, CA47, Jessie Topham Brown)
Vernon Industrial Exposition 1947 (FCA)(ref
Vernon Travelling Pictures Committee
(FCA trav.exh. Sec'y J. Topham-Brown)
Victoria Book Arts Club (c1982, ref Hoffer: Stigma #377)
Victoria Camera Club (ref VAG doc 1945)
Victoria Hand Weavers Guild (ref IDTC68, Kathleen Porter)
Victoria School of Art
Victoria Sketch Club (continued from IACS, www.victoriasketchclub.ca)
Victoria Studio Artists Society (ref Eleanor Kobley)
Viking Weavers (ref VFSD37)
Wanderbund Club (woman's group, ref 1913 exhibition)
Watermark Printmakers Society (ref Eleanor Kobley)
West Coast Hermetics (ref Melmoth Vancouver Group, Soluble H2O))
West Coast Surrealist Group (ref Van. Centennial Biblio. #6108)
(ref Melmoth Vancouver Group, Soluble H2O)
West Coast Wilderness Committee (ref WCWC89,
West End Community Centre, Vancouver (ref WECC08,
West Vancouver Community Art Club
West Vancouver Fine Arts Class (1930 - ) (see WVSC)
West Vancouver Sketch Club (1932 - current)
About the club
List of members 1947-77
Western Artists' Association
Western Artists of Canada (founded 1977)
(ref Jack Lee McLean)
Western Art Circle (founded 1952)
Western Art Studio (ref Kitto)
Western Canada Art Circuit (VAG exh. 1945 - 1947, ref CC63)
Western Canada Brotherhood (Fisher,
Hughes, Goranson)
Western Communities Arts Council (ref Gretchen Markle, Beverly Petow)
Western Front, Vancouver (ref WF79, WF96)
Western Group of Painters (per Thom reference in WP Weston 1948- )
Western Tribune Junior Art League (Dir. A.M. Stephen)
W.H. Malkin Silver Medal Competition (at BC Artists 1940 - 1945 - ?)
Winnipeg School of Art
Women In Focus, Vancouver (ref WIF81, WIF85)
Women Sketch Hunters of Alberta
Women's Interart Society (1st Ann exh 1977, ref Valerie Pugh)
Women's International League (ref VFSD37)
Ymir Arts Council (ref Shona Rae)