Vancouver Art Association

First Annual Exhibition

October 6 - 11, 1890
In the Art Gallery, Lefevre Block, Hastings Street

Editor's note: The exhibition catalogue was extensive, with numerous formats on different pages. No attempt has been made to transcribe the programmes for a number of events listed in the catalogue, nor to list general advertisements (refer to Early Art & Framing Stores of Vancouver for two art and framing store advertisements in the catalogue).

The list of officers and members is transcribed, as is all information regarding the artwork in the exhibition, with links to all local artists displaying their work. or to artists who had visited B.C. and were exhibiting those paintings. Artists noted with an asterisk (*) are not linked to the overall list of artists, and do not have a biography associated with them. The information given is transcribed from an original exhibition catalogue, provided courtesy of the Vancouver Art Gallery Library.



1st Vice-President:
Mrs. A. St. G. Hamersley.

2nd Vice-President:
Madame F.X. Martin.

Mrs. Hamersley, Mrs. Reid, Capt. Webster, Mr. Trevor,
Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Clements, Miss Maitland.

Finance Committee:
A.G. Ferguson, John Stewart, R.D. Trevor.

Emma B. Hayden.

Annie E. Webster.

William Ferris Mrs. Rhodes Miss Graham Miss Dove
Mrs. Hamersley A.G. Fergusson Mrs. Cambie Mr. Bailey
Mrs. De Wolf Mrs. Lefevre Mrs. Bagnall Mr. Hardiman
Mrs. Ceperley Mr. Trevor Mrs. Magor Mrs. McGillivray
Miss Freer Mrs. Cuthbert Mrs. Keith Miss Johnson
Miss Hayden Mrs. Spinks Mr. Wilson Mrs. Cooke
Mrs. Reid Father Fay Miss Rathborn Mr. Maclure
Mrs. Douglas Miss Von Schoulten Mr. Stewart Mr. Hope
Miss Christie Miss Black Mrs. Mershon Mrs. T.T. Black
Miss Stewart Mr. Bamford Mr. Spillman Mrs. Mellon
Mrs. Webster Mrs. R.R. Maitland Miss Westcott Mrs. Tilley
Capt. Webster Miss Hobson Mr. Shrapnel Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Martin W.H. Bainbridge Mrs. Salsbury Mr. Dyke
Miss Maitland Mrs. Charles Mee Miss Macdonald Mr. Strutt
Mrs. Beckingale Mrs. Bowel Mrs. T.R. Pearson


Committee of Management:

Mrs. Hamersley Mrs. Webster John Stewart
R.D. Trevor Capt. Webster C.E. Hope

Class A - Watercolour

Prize for best Landscape (original) given by His Excellency Lord Stanley of Preston

1 Mrs. R.R. Maitland Evening by the Seashore
2 Mr. Ferris Cedar Tree, Stanley Park
3 . . . A Veteran, Stanley Park
4 . . . Fisherman's Home, Stanley Park
5 . . . On the Rail Track, Vancouver
6 . . . Burrard Inlet, From Drydock
7 . . . A Tangled Corner, Stanley Park
8 . . . Observation Point, from Stanley Park
9 . . . The Old "Beaver"
10 . . . Brockton Point, from Jones' boathouse
11 . . . The Old Saw-pit, Ealing
12 . . . The Two Lions, from Capilano
13 . . . Wild Music, The Canyon, Capilano
14 . . . Day's Point, Second Narrows
15 . . . The San Juan Lime Works
16 Mrs. Lefevre The Columbia, Near Donald
17 . . . Sunset at Kamloops
18 Mrs. Hamersley Mount Cook, New Zealand
19 . . . Jones' Boat-house

Class B - Oil Painting

Gold Medal for best Landscape (original) given by His Honor Lieut.-Governor Nelson

20 Miss Hayden Glimpse of Capilano, Evening
21 . . . Dixon's Mill, Belfast P.E.I.
22 . . . St. John's Church, Belfast P.E.I.
23 Mrs. R.R. Maitland A Glimpse of South America
24 . . . English Country Scene
25 Mrs. T.R. Pearson Mount Hood
26 . . . Loch Katrine
27 . . . Spring
28 . . . Autumn
29 W.H. Bainbridge Early Morning in the Highlands
30 . . . Cornwall Coast, Morning
31 . . . Cornwall Coast, Evening
32 . . . Lake Laginutas, California
33 . . . View on San Pablo Creek
34 . . . Cliff House and Seal Rock
35 . . . Fern Tree Gulley, Melbourne
36 Mr. Bamford Sunset on Koksilah River
37 . . . Waterfront, Victoria Harbour
38 . . . Sunrise Over the Old Town
39 Mr. Lewis A Moonlight Camp
40 Miss Louise Shrapnel The Soul's Awakening

Class C

Silver Medal for best Landscape, given by Vancouver Art Association to Pupils.

41 Mrs. Hamersley Old Tree, Stanley Park, original
42 . . . The Narrows from Stanley Park, original
43 Mrs. Clements View on the Thames
44 Mrs. Lefevre North Bend
45 . . . After the Storm
46 . . . Landscape
47 Mrs. Major Capilano
48 Collection of Student Work

Class D - Crayon Landscape

Gold Medal for best Landscape, given by His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer.

49 Mrs. Clements Old Mill
50 Mr. Ferris False Creek Bridge, original
51 Mrs. Reid St. Maurice
52 . . . Melrose from the Tweed
53 Mrs. Strutt Landscape, original
54 Mrs. Pearson Waterfall, original
55 Miss Louise Shrapnel Deserted

Class E - Figure Painting

Gold Medal for best Figure Painting (Oil or Watercolour) given by A.G. Ferguson, Esq.

56 Mrs. R.R. Maitland French Peasant Girl
57 Mr. Hamersley Italian Girl
58 . . . Arab
59 Mrs. Strutt A Summer Day
60 Mrs. Lefevre A Village Maiden
61 Miss Louise Shrapnel Little Mischief
62 . . . An Arab's Head
63 . . . Figure Piece

Class F - Flower Painting

Gold Medal for best Flower Painting (Oil or Watercolour) given by His Honor the Lieut.-Governor.

64 Miss Hayden Screen
65 Mrs. Douglas Yellow Rose Panel
66 Mrs. Mershon Fire Screen
67 . . . Wild Roses
68 Mrs. Strutt Hollyhocks
69 Mrs. Clements Japan Lilies
70 Mr. Bamford Perennial Phlox
71 . . . Dahlias
72 . . . Study of Flowers
73 . . . Study of Gladiolas
74 Mr. H.B. Lewis Roses
75 . . . Poppies
76 Miss Von Scholten Mirror
77 . . . Placque, Azalea and Heather
78 . . . Placque, Margeruites
79 . . . Placque, Christmas Rose
80 . . . Placque, Bullrushes and Blackthorn
81 . . . Banjo, Roses
82 . . . Tambourine, Pyrus Japonica

Class G.

Catalogue of Exhibits in the Loan Collection


83 A.G. Ferguson Girl Feeding Pigeons Fripp*
84 . . . English Landscape Bowden*
85 . . . English Landscape . . .
86 . . . Canyon, Fraser River Bell Smith
87 Mrs. Cargill Bay of Islands, New Zealand Hoyte
88 Mrs. Phillips Off Gibraltar Burnett Stocks*
89 . . . Scarborough . . .
90 . . . Sunset . . .
91 . . . Roman Shrine . . .
92 Mrs. George Rounsefell Portrait of Girl Mrs. Rounsefell
93 . . . Landscape . . .
94 Mrs. Clements Slag Mrs. Clements
95 Miss Johnson Landscape, N. Wales Miss Coketer
96 . . . Landscape Miss F.C. Johnson
97 . . . Street in Venice . . .
98 Mrs. Abbott Landscape O'Brien
99 . . . Canyon, Fraser River . . .
100 . . . British Columbia . . .
101 Mrs. Charleson Landscape . . .
102 Mr. Green Roadway, N. Park, Banff Sansom
103 . . . Roadway, N. Park, Banff . . .
104 . . . Burrard Inlet . . .
105 Miss Seymour Landscape Miss Seymour
106 . . . Landscape . . .
107 Mr. Maclure Moonlight on Fraser River Maclure
108 . . . View on Fraser, Near Langley . . .
109 . . . View Near Beacon Hill . . .
110 Mrs. Beckingsale View of South Acton Church G. Halle*
111 Mrs. Hamersley Queen Charlotte Sound Hoyte
112 Mrs. Cooke Winter Scene
113 . . . Natural Steps, Quebec
114 . . . Italian Scene
115 . . . Sunset
116 Miss Johnson Rose and Pansey Miss Johnson
117 Mrs. Strutt Still Life Mrs. Strutt
118 . . . Still Life . . .
119 . . . Still Life . . .
120 Miss Crickmay Pandora's Box Miss B. Crickmay
121 . . . The Witch's Daughter . . .
122 . . . Moonlight Scene Miss F. Crickmay
123 Mrs. Abbott Landscape . . .
124 . . . Landscape . . .
125 . . . Marine
126 . . . Seaside
127 Mr. Maclure Night, Fraser Fraser (sic) River Maclure
128 . . . Golden Ears, Fraser River . . .
129 . . . Sunrise, Cheam Peaks . . .
130 Mr. Bamford Mending the Sail Mr. Bamford
131 . . . Chemainus River . . .
132 . . . A Breezy Day in San Juan Straits . . .
133 . . . Crescent Island, Fraser River . . .
134 . . . Finlayson's Battery . . .
135 . . . Near Macaulay Point . . .
136 . . . Foul Bay . . .
137 . . . Sunlight in Victoria Harbor . . .
138 . . . Cowichan River . . .
139 . . . Chinese Ranch . . .
140 . . . Rainy Day, Fraser River . . .
141 . . . Evening, from James' Bay . . .
142 . . . Stormy Day, Macaulay Bay . . .
143 . . . Mt. Baker, Early Morning . . .
144 . . . At Oak Bay . . .
145 . . . Sumas Lake . . .
146 . . . In the Woods, Beacon Hill . . .
147 . . . The Cliffs, Beacon Hill . . .
148 . . . The Golden Ears, Fraser River . . .
149 . . . Evening in the Woods . . .
150 . . . A Grey Morning, Foul Bay . . .
151 . . . Fisherman's Rock . . .
152 . . . Ross Bay . . .
153 . . . Sunrise at Oak Bay . . .
154 . . . Koksilah River . . .
155 . . . Fishing Village . . .
156 . . . The Olympians . . .
157 . . . Saanich Arm . . .
158 . . . Beacon Hill . . .
159 . . . Sailor Bay . . .
160 . . . Cadboro Bay . . .
161 Mr. Lewis Butterflies, Study in Watercolor H.B. Lewis
162 . . . Pickles Peak, India Ink . . .
163 . . . Solitude . . .
164 . . . A Lake in the Mountains . . .
165 Mr. Carpenter The Gorge Mr. Carpenter
166 . . . Harbor and City of Victoria . . .
167 . . . Mt. Orgiel Castle . . .
168 . . . The Gorge . . .
169 . . . Old Farm Killarney . . .
170 Mr. W. Allen Hay Field, near Victoria Mr. W. Allen
171 . . . Roses . . .
172 . . . Pansies . . .
173 Lee Rogers The Cascade Mountains Lee Rogers
174 . . . Lynn's Creek . . .
175 . . . View near Yale . . .
176 . . . In the Fraser Canyon . . .
177 . . . The Inlet, from Brockton Point . . .
178 . . . View in Stanley Park . . .
179 . . . View of Moodyville . . .
180 Mrs. Phillips Venetian Fishwife Foster*
181 . . . An English Lady . . .
182 Mrs. M.L. Brown Sunset . . .
183 Mrs. Hamersley Little Man Fodor*
184 Mr. Pedley By the Brookside Miss Reid
185 . . . Flock of Sheep . . .
186 . . . Landscape . . .
187 . . . Landscape Mrs. Pedley
188 Mrs. Clements Camp Scene, Moonlight Mrs. Clements
189 Mrs. Brown Portrait of Boy
190 Mrs. Duffin A Swiss Farm
191 . . . Snake Charmer
192 Mrs. Mellon The Old Beaver Lee Rogers
193 Miss Hayden Lake in the Woods Miss Hayden
194 . . . Evening . . .
195 Mrs. Maitland Hyde Park, Toronto Mrs. Maitland
196 . . . Little Red Riding Hood . . .
197 . . . Queenie . . .
198 . . . Girl . . .
199 . . . His Last Pair . . .
200 Mrs. Roberts Admiral de Wan 18th Century
201 . . . Lady of the 18th Century
202 Mr. J.C. Keith Portrait of Capt. Vancouver, R.N.
203 Rowland Lee The Old Fisherman Rowland Lee
204 . . . The Fisherman's Wife . . .
205 . . . Drifting by Moonlight . . .
206 Mrs. Douglas Fountain's Abbey Mrs. Douglas
207 . . . Olympian Range . . .
208 . . . Hasting's Mill . . .
209 Mrs. James Orr Yosemite Valley Mrs. Orr
210 Mrs. G. Rounsefell Marine Mrs. G. Rounsefell
211 Mrs. Brent Landscape
212 Mrs. Shoebotham Landscape & Fruit Mrs. Shoebotham
213 . . . Fruit & Vegetables
214 . . . Portrait
215 Mrs. Charleson Good Night Mrs. Harding*
216 . . . Capilano Creek Lee Rogers
217 . . . Caesar & Bruff Mrs. Shreiber*
218 . . . Can she Catch it? . . .
219 Mrs. Rounsefell A Kiss First Van Bremen*
220 . . . The Finishing Touch . . .
221 Mrs. Ponsford Triumph of Bacchus Stodhart*
222 . . . Farm Yard Scene Medows*
223 . . . Scene in Derby
224 Mrs. Rounsefell Birds and Flowers Miss Robb*
225 . . . Birds and Flowers . . .
226 Miss Power Shells and Pitcher Miss Power*
227 . . . A Study in Brown . . .
228 Mrs. Orr Flag Lilies Mrs. Orr
229 Mrs. Mershon Easter Lilies Mrs. Mershon
230 Mrs. Ceperley Clematis Mrs. L. Ceperley
231 Miss Westcott Calla Lilies
232 . . . Wild Poppies
233 Miss Seymour Mirror Miss Seymour
234 . . . Mirror . . .
235 . . . Panel . . .
236 Mrs. Webster Tea Roses Mrs. Webster
237 . . . Pansies . . .
238 Mrs. Law Briton Peasant Mrs. Law
239 . . . Chrysanthemums . . .
240 . . . Peaches . . .
241 . . . Melons . . .
242 . . . Grapes . . .
243 Mrs. Strutt Corn and Onions Mrs. Strutt
244 . . . Ducks . . .
245 . . . Ancient Kitchen Scene . . .
246 . . . Guitar and Flower Pot . . .
247 . . . Violin & Music . . .
248 Mrs. Sheffield Tambourine, Cottage in Devon Mrs. Sheffield
249 . . . Tambourine, Country Stile . . .
250 . . . Old Cottage in Devon . . .
251 . . . English Landscape . . .
252 . . . Portrait . . .
253 . . . Landscape . . .
254 . . . Azaleas Miss Crickmay
255 . . . La Mandolinata . . .
256 Capt. Bouchier Residence of S. Greer, Esg. Capt. Bouchier
257 . . . Landscape . . .
258 . . . Marine . . .
259 . . . Landscape . . .
260 . . . French Cuirasseirs . . .
261 . . . 16th Lancers . . .
262 T.R. Hardiman Canterbury, England R.A. Vicker
263 . . . Eistra, Hertfordshire . . .
264 . . . Roman Guard A.A. Orr. R.A.*
265 . . . The Glacier Miss Briton
266 Mrs. Shrapnel Indians Buffalo Hunting Mr. Shrapnel
267 . . . A Prairie Fire . . .
268 . . . Dead Game . . .
269 . . . Vancouver Island Scenery . . .
270 . . . Canadian Game . . .
271 . . . Outlet of Clearwater Lake . . .
272 . . . Teaming Saw Logs . . .
273 . . . Squall on Lake Ontario . . .
274 . . . A Scene Near Saanich, B.C. . . .
275 . . . Canadian Wood Drake . . .
276 . . . Deer Hunting, Muskoka . . .
277 . . . Drawing Saw Logs . . .
278 . . . A Prairie Fire . . .
279 . . . Stage Road to Baysville . . .
280 . . . Cutting Ice . . .
281 . . . A Scene in Lower Canada . . .
282 . . . Hunting Camp . . .
283 . . . North-west Dog Team . . .
284 Mrs. J.L. Johnson Greek Girl Mrs. J.L. Johnson
285 . . . Italian Girl . . .
286 Mrs. Brent Crayon Portrait
287 . . . Landscape
288 Miss Purvis Old English Ruin
289 . . . Landscape
290 . . . Old English Abbey
291 . . . At Copellain on the Rhine
292 . . . Swiss Church
293 . . . Study After Landseer
294 . . . Village Inn
295 . . . Old Mill
296 . . . Farmyard
297 . . . Old English Ruin
298 . . . Old English Ruin
299 Mrs. Strutt Lilacs Mrs. Strutt
300 . . . Landscape . . .
301 Miss Crickmay Christ and St. Peter Miss Crickmay
302 . . . Assumption of the Blessed Virgin . . .
303 . . . Found Dead by the Sea Mr. Pollok*
304 . . . Boy's Head Miss F. Crickmay
305 . . . The Abbey Gate . . .
306 . . . Gethsemane Mrs. Pollok*
307 . . . Madonna and Child Miss Taylor
308 . . . Study of Grapes . . .
309 J.M. Browning Sunset, Upper St. Maurice O.R. Jacobi, R.C.A.*
310 . . . Seven Islands, Near the Moisie . . .
311 . . . Silver Lake A.T. Pell*
312 . . . Early Morning A. Gardell Paris*
313 . . . At Glen Sutton (Quebec) Allan Edson, R.C.A.*
314 . . . Winter Scene, Province of Quebes Kreighoff*
315 . . . Portrait of a Favorite Horse & Dog
Property of J.M. Browning
316 . . . Landscape, Sunset
317 . . . Landscape
318 A. Green Pope Pius IX
319 . . . St. Peter
320 . . . Mater Dolorosa
321 . . . Saint Joseph
322 . . . River Thames, Wandsworth W. Ferris
323 . . . Kew . . .
324 . . . Placque, Roses
325 Miss Macdonald Case Seed Flowers Miss Macdonald
326 . . . Case Hair Flowers . . .
327 Miss Hobson Fire Screen Cross-stitch
328 Mrs. Webster Fire Screen
329 Mrs. Strutt Carved Table Mrs. Strutt
330 . . . Panel . . .
331 Miss Crickmay Miniature Chess Board Miss Crickmay
332 Miss Taylor Pomengranates Miss Taylor
333 . . . Egg Plant, Study from the Cast . . .
334 . . . Plums, Study from the Cast . . .
335 . . . Calla Lily, original . . .
336 Mr. R. Usher Collection of Painting on Botting Cloth R. Usher
337 Mrs. Chas. Mee Collection of Print Lace . . .
338 Mr. Green Hammered Brasses, Dutch Women . . .