Margaret Wake

Vancouver Province, July 11 1930, page 6

      Many friends of Miss Margaret Wake, who for some years has been well known in this city as a painter of distinction, will regret to hear that she is seriously ill. It may be news to some of them than an outstanding success came to her at the May exhibition of the British Empire Academy in London, this mission of which, in its own words is to "Promote, aid and unite all the arts throughout the Empire."
      Judging from its catalogue it has been singularly successful for of pictures alone there were over three hundred exhibits. Many of these were by British artists, but one hundred pictures or more, hung in the large gallery, came from the Dominions. Australia, South Africa and India contributed generously, New Zealand and Tasmania are also represented, but from Canada only two pictures were accepted, one by Winifred Bentley of Ontario, and one by Miss Margaret Wake of this city.
      Beginning her studies at the well-known Slade school in London, her pictures have been repeatedly hung at the Royal Academy and have been accepted by the Royal Institute of Painters in Oil Colors, both of them a tribute to her artistic ability.
      Since coming to Canada the native Indians of this coast and their works, have appealed strongly to Miss Wake, and her portrait of Mary Capilano will preserve for posterity the likeness of that fine old Indian woman, a descendant of the great chief Capilano who in 1792, welcomed Captain Vancouver to these shores.
      The picture, which is now being returned from the British Empire Academy, is of another Indian woman, "Sophie," and it is understood that the people of Vancouver will soon have the privilege of seeing this in one of our art galleries.

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