"Arts Clubs Active - B.C. Society of Fine Arts"

From "Artists And Their Doings", Western Woman's Weekly - September 18, 1920

B.C. Society of Fine Arts

     The continued vitality of the B.C. Society of Fine Arts will be again demonstrated this year by the exhibition in the upper rooms of the School Board Offices on Hamilton Street. The private view is this afternoon, and the show will be open free to the public during the week, September 20-25. There was a doubt in the minds of some of the members that this year their annual event would be somewhat overshadowed by the artistic activities in connection with the Hastings Park and Westminster Exhibitions. But a privileged peep at some of the works that will be on view, enables us to say that a visit to the rooms will be much enjoyed by all lovers of art. Both in oils and water colors the Society shows a considerable advance, and there are also some delightfully clever pastel portraits. Without specializing on particular names it may be said that the well-known leaders of the group are well up to standard, while there has been a considerable accession of outside contributions of merit.