"Notes on Paintings"

This information was provided courtesy of the Vancouver Art Gallery Library.

Art in itself is not altogether definable in words, it's something a person feels in their heart if they conscientiously study each painting.

FORMS AND CIRCLES, a study in oil, in a somber mood, expressing a feeling of suspension and odd forms placed in compositional values gradation of the quiet colours completes the last theme, in the non-objective field.

COMPOSITION C, a non-objective with gaiety and movement in color. Aerial perspective, solidity of forms, symphonic arrangement of colors.

BUILDINGS. Semi-abstract. Gaiety and movement, in color and line, also expressing a feeling of strong sunlight, an early summer morning.

MACHINERY. Dull machinery made happy by color. In the abstract field it conveys movement of line and interior perspectives and patterning in design.

WINTER GREY DAY. A conventional tempera painting more easily understood a broad treatment, the clothes on the line expressing happiness of color and charm on a dull mid-winter day, rich with fallen snow.

OCTOBER IN SASKATCHEWAN. Another conventional water color painting in the modern idiom. I used strong autumn browns with dying greens to give more impetus to the spirit of a prairie autumn day, with cloud patterns and a coolness of atmosphere.

COMPOSITIONS 1 & 2. Two non-objectives in watercolor, expressing freedom of movement, gay coloring with transparent shading. Two short melodies in color.

     (by Stanley E. Brunst)