Notes on Artist Index:

1. The general intent of this alphabetical index is to provide a reference and finding aid to over 1,700 artists who exhibited their work in Vancouver prior to 1950. This list has since been expanded into the BC ARTISTS index, containing over 20,000 names of artists exhibiting in British Columbia up to the current date.

2. The artists in this list have been indexed from two main sources, exhibition catalogues and published exhibition reviews. Not all exhibition catalogues and published reviews have been located by the author, and therefor this is not an absolute list of all artists who exhibited in Vancouver prior to 1950. Generally speaking, showings of an artist's work in private art galleries are not referenced. The original list of artists was compiled from a card index to artists in exhibition, on file at the Library at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

3. Full names are given on each artist's biography page, whenever known, along with optional spellings or nicknames. The full name may or may not be given in the Index.

4. Female names are appended with Miss or Mrs. wherever this information is given in the sources. Ms. will be used if a name that is not otherwise gender-identifiable is noted in a source as being female (e.g. she, her), but not noted as Miss or Mrs.

5. Females will have two (or more) listings - maiden and married names - only if the artist exhibited using the different names. If so, the listings will all be in the A - Z index, referenced to the same file.

6. Male names are noted with "Mr." when identified as male by a source but are not otherwise easily gender-identifiable by the name (e.g. Burrell, Jean, Jesse, Laurie, Vivian).

7. Errors and omissions will be gratefully acknowledged and corrected if forwarded to the author. New information regarding unlisted exhibitions, or listed exhibitions lacking full details, will be especially appreciated.