Condensed version of the Sherman family tree

This is a condensed version of the Sherman family tree, based on my research, showing the more important members of the family. Maud Rees Sherman's brother and his two children are not shown, nor is Maud's cousin Joan Lindsay on the Sage side of the family. Two of R.S. Sherman's siblings are also not listed. His two brothers Thomas and Eustace were Vancouver's first and second official weathermen, holding the position from 1904 to 1948. For the first thirty years the Dominion Meteorological Observatory was in their back yard in Kitsilano, where Vancouver's official weather readings were taken. Thomas was a noted early astronomer, and attempted to build huge telescopes in Vancouver, Seattle, Santa Clara, and Hawaii, none of which were constructed. Walter Henry Wilmot Hardwick, who married Maud's Aunt Jane (a teacher fluent in five languages), had been cast out of his wealthy New York family for not becoming a priest, which was the family practice for the first-born son. He went north to Ontario and then came west around 1900.